በ 2018 መገባደጃ ላይ በይፋ ያልሆነ ፣ በክልል አቀፍ የሚኒሶታ የቤቶች ልማት ኃይል established six long-term goals and supporting recommendations to ensure everyone has a place to live. Minnesotans are working to expand and protect an affordable and diverse inventory of homes in communities across the state. The political will and cross-sector ingenuity exist to build a system that works. This statewide Housing Scorecard by የባለሙያ ፊት ለፊት በር በሚኒሶታ የቤቶች ልማት ኃይል የተቀመጡ ስድስት ዋና ዋና ግቦችን ላይ የሚኒሶታ አጠቃላይ አጠቃላይ ግስጋሴ ለመመዘን መረጃውን ይገመግማል ፡፡ በትልቁ ውሂብ ውስጥ ገና የማይታዩ ሊሆኑ የሚችሉትን ወቅታዊ አዝማሚያዎች እና አስደሳች ፈጠራዎችን ያደምቃል ፡፡

2021 Minnesota’s Housing Scorecard (Released February 25, 2020)

Here is the full version of the 2021 Minnesota’s Housing Scorecard – click to download here.

Here is a shorter version of the 2021 Minnesota’s Housing Scorecard – click to download here.

Watch the March 23rd 2021 Minnesota’s Housing Scorecard Release Program – click here to view.

2020 Minnesota’s Housing Scorecard (Released February 25, 2020)

Here is the full version of the 2020 Minnesota’s Housing Scorecard – click to download here.

Here is a shorter version of the 2020 Minnesota’s Housing Scorecard – click to download here.