This is the third iteration of our Strategic Framework, and it will guide our work for the next three years.

This framework reflects our shared sense of urgency given the societal and planetary challenges of our day. It also reflects our commitment to using the Foundation’s resources for relevance, credibility, and impact—all in collaboration with our grantees and community partners.

Building on the decades-long history and stewardship of this family foundation, we have updated our mission and refined our philanthropic approach to reflect the changing times. Our new mission is to advance a more just, creative, and abundant future where people and planet thrive.

We believe this is a time that calls for institutions to be bold and to bring an abundance mindset that expands our imagination of what is possible.

In addition to this complete pdf copy, please see the joint announcement from president Kate Wolford and board chair Debby Landesman, and the video we produced. To request print copies, please contact