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Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis | Minneapolis Fed Announces Community Advisory Board

Minneapolis, April 5, 2018 — The Minneapolis Fed announced the members of the newly formed Community Advisory Board for the Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute. This advisory board, made up of 12 local nonprofit, philanthropic, and government leaders, will serve as an important resource in crafting the Institute’s research agenda on economic opportunity and inclusive growth.

Maximum employment is a primary aim of the Minneapolis Fed and the Federal Reserve System. In pursuit of that goal, Fed policymakers seek to understand the mechanisms behind high unemployment rates for people of color.

“Behind the unemployment rate are the lives of millions of Americans who are affected by job loss and lack of opportunity to work,” said Mark Wright, director of Research at the Minneapolis Fed. “We have to understand the causes of unemployment for everyday Americans, and that means looking at barriers to opportunity and lack of inclusion.”

Mentioned: McKnight President Kate Wolford is a member of this board.

Read the full announcement

April 2018
