Because of shifts in our grantmaking strategy, we have ended the following program areas, which are no longer accepting grant applications: Education, Region & Communities, Mississippi River, and Southeast Asia.

After 10 years of funding, McKnight has ended our Education program. We honor our grantees and their progress in preparing Minnesota students for success by engaging families and investing in educators.

Region & Communities
After 17 years of funding, McKnight has ended our Region & Communities program. We honor our grantees and their progress in creating livable communities and expanding opportunities for all to thrive.

Mississippi River
After 27 years of funding, McKnight has ended our Mississippi River program. It will fully sunset by 2021. We honor our grantees and their progress in restoring the water quality and resiliency of this great waterway.

Southeast Asia
After 35 years of funding, McKnight has ended our Southeast Asia program. It will fully sunset by 2021. We honor our grantees and their progress in supporting sustainable livelihoods and natural resource rights.