ወደ ይዘት ዝለል

እንዴት ማመልከት ይቻላል

አጠቃላይ እይታ

The Midwest Climate & Energy program accepts proposals from organizations in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Other Midwest states remain invite-only. For organizations that wish to apply, the first step is to familiarize yourself with የእኛ አቀራረብ. እንዲሁም የመሠረቱን ጄኔራል መገምገም ይፈልጉ ይሆናል የገንዘብ ድጋፍ ተደጋጋሚ ጥያቄዎች.

If, after reading our grant guidelines, you feel your organization fits within our funding strategies, contact the Midwest Climate & Energy team ማመልከቻ ከማስገባትዎ በፊት.

To help you prepare, you can preview the full proposal application form (ፒ ዲ ኤፍ, Word). Please also review our FAQ with commonly asked questions specific to the Climate program.

Within two weeks of receiving your application, Climate staff will be in contact with you regarding next steps. We will make a funding decision within three months of receiving your application.

ብቁነት እና የድጋፍ ዓይነቶች

We accept proposals and provide operating and project grants to organizations based in, and working in, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa (other Midwest states remain invite-only). We consider capital grants only in exceptional circumstances. With very few exceptions, applicants must be classified by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt nonprofit organizations to be eligible for a grant.

Government entities may apply for funding for innovative projects. However, we generally will not fund activities that are traditionally the sole responsibility of the government.

እኛ የማንደግፋቸው ነገሮች

We do not fund the following type of requests:

  • Scholarships or other types of assistance for individuals
  • Conferences, including attendance or travel
  • Discrete project development, construction, installation, and/or deployment costs (for example, materials, labor, etc.)
  • Land purchase
  • Endowments and capital campaigns, except in rare cases
  • Activities that have a specific religious purpose
  • Lobbying prohibited by the Internal Revenue Code (see note below)

በገቢ ማሰባሰብ እና የሕዝብ ፖሊሲ ትንታኔ ላይ ያለ ማስታወሻ: 

The Foundation may consider funding requests for efforts such as advocacy and education to inform the policies and administrative rules of executive, judicial, and administrative agencies; information-sharing that is neutral, nonpartisan, and fully descriptive of both sides of pending legislative issues; and policy research.

በውስጣዊ የገቢ ህጎች እንደተጠየቀው ግን ፋውንዴሽኑ ሪፈረንዳን ፣ አካባቢያዊ ህጎችን እና የውሳኔ ሃሳቦችን ጨምሮ የተወሰኑ በመጠባበቅ ላይ ወይም በቀረቡት ህጎች ላይ ተጽዕኖ ለማሳደር የሚደረጉ ሙከራዎችን ገንዘብ አያደርግም ፡፡

ስለ አጠቃላይ አጠቃቀማችን ተጨማሪ ይወቁ የገንዘብ ድጋፍ መመሪያዎች.

Application & Timeline

McKnight has a one-step application process and accepts proposals on a rolling basis. We aim to make a decision and distribute funding within three months of receiving a full proposal. Given year-end priorities, grants submitted and reviewed in the fourth quarter may take additional time. We recommend submitting your request by September 1 if funding in the current calendar year is critical.

ጠቃሚ ማስታወሻዎች

  • የተቀመጡ ትግበራዎችን ለመድረስ ወይም የሪፖርት ሁኔታን ለመፈተሽ, ይጠቀሙ የመለያ መግቢያ አገናኝ (በዚህ ድር ጣቢያ ላይ በማናቸውም ገጽ ላይ የላይኛው ቀኝ ጥግ).
  • በመስመር ላይ የትግበራ ስርዓት ላይ ችግር ካለብዎ በ (612) 333-4220 ይደውሉልን ወይም ኢሜይል ላክ to the Climate team.

አሁኑኑ ያመልክቱ

ትግበራ ይጀምሩ
