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Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems Open Call Inquiries

Language: English | Español | Français As we are close to the open call for agroecology funding deadline, we are now asking that potential applicants fill out the application form directly rather than completing an inquiry form as a first step. Click here to fill out the application form.

Courageous Character: Jeff Corey

Courageous Character Jeff Corey with One Roof Community Housing has built a well-earned reputation as a tireless leader working to expand housing opportunities and advance a better future for everyone in the Duluth area—no matter their background, race, or income.

A Powerful Tool for Housing Accessibility Thrives in Minnesota

Community Land Trusts ensure that all Minnesotans can build wealth through homeownership by creating a critical bridge for those who might not otherwise be able to afford the cost of a home and providing the stability necessary to consistently contribute to a vibrant local community.

Is Culture The Key To Vibrant and Equitable Arts Communities?

Discover how Minnesota’s Indigenous culture bearers are spurring creativity, power, and connection across the state. Organizations like Duluth’s American Indian Community Housing Organization and St. Paul’s Minnesota Indigenous Business Alliance are using art to drive change and empower Indigenous communities.

McKnight Announces New Minneapolis Office Location

McKnight Foundation is thrilled to announce that we will soon have a new home that will allow us to powerfully move our mission forward through our physical space in the decades ahead.
